After adequate interaction with the
lives both behind and in front of the counter in nation building endeavours, one
thing is for sure, a good repute is as priceless as any precious pearl. Give
your clients a shoddy treat and the next day as you check your fiscal standings,
the effects of such will be unequivocally reflected. Yes, you what to be
skinned alive financially? Mess with your client attitude or merely portray
that negative attitude as you engage them and you will be in for it!
While, PR is not solely inclined to
business, it’s a cardinal prerequisite in how we relate in our day to day interactions.
Its false fallacy for a moment to think that, it’s an option to harbor cordial
relations with that stranger you shared a pew with in a public lecture, that
folk you sat next to in the public commuter van, that guy that constantly
visits your work station to asks what you consider FAQs that even basic logic
can sumptuously answer, among others. Get it from me, they all mean volumes to
you. Looking down on such could be adequately alluded to what one wittily called
burning bridges or hurling insult to a midwife on assumption that, that was the
last contact you had with them.
Life was engineered I believe by God
to be vastly propped by relations some which spring from our day to day
interactions and others like family that we spontaneously found ourselves in. If
you critically crossed checked your life, you will easily notice that much of
who you are is highly pegged not to your own ability but other people’s ability.
Also as you check and counter recheck your life, you come head on with the nude
fact that independence is a non-practical concept especially when dealing with
human. If any miracle was to happen today and everything that was not made by
me/you is to be taken away from us, a good number of us will go naked because
the gowns and suits you are clad in are efforts of another individual somewhere
in the globe and chances are you don’t have any finite idea of how it was made.
So even with all your opulence you inescapably need people around you and that
calls for a need to treat them soundly with absolute esteem.