Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Another misconception, individuality.

After adequate interaction with the lives both behind and in front of the counter in nation building endeavours, one thing is for sure, a good repute is as priceless as any precious pearl. Give your clients a shoddy treat and the next day as you check your fiscal standings, the effects of such will be unequivocally reflected. Yes, you what to be skinned alive financially? Mess with your client attitude or merely portray that negative attitude as you engage them and you will be in for it!
While, PR is not solely inclined to business, it’s a cardinal prerequisite in how we relate in our day to day interactions. Its false fallacy for a moment to think that, it’s an option to harbor cordial relations with that stranger you shared a pew with in a public lecture, that folk you sat next to in the public commuter van, that guy that constantly visits your work station to asks what you consider FAQs that even basic logic can sumptuously answer, among others. Get it from me, they all mean volumes to you. Looking down on such could be adequately alluded to what one wittily called burning bridges or hurling insult to a midwife on assumption that, that was the last contact you had with them.
Life was engineered I believe by God to be vastly propped by relations some which spring from our day to day interactions and others like family that we spontaneously found ourselves in. If you critically crossed checked your life, you will easily notice that much of who you are is highly pegged not to your own ability but other people’s ability. Also as you check and counter recheck your life, you come head on with the nude fact that independence is a non-practical concept especially when dealing with human. If any miracle was to happen today and everything that was not made by me/you is to be taken away from us, a good number of us will go naked because the gowns and suits you are clad in are efforts of another individual somewhere in the globe and chances are you don’t have any finite idea of how it was made. So even with all your opulence you inescapably need people around you and that calls for a need to treat them soundly with absolute esteem.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Need for utter esteem to the judiciary

The judiciary is among one of the most elementary provisions upon which every democratic state is grounded, essentially this is, I believe the sure litmus test for true democracy. When judicial system fails then democracy is no more a guarantee as other external forces that are never inclined to democracy then comes in play and in such an occasion autocracy sets in. Then, disregard to the supreme court rulings, ignoring of a writ or even any plaintiff attempt to seek any other injunctions  outside judicial system after a decision from a supreme court is both an insult to legal system and an indirect way of saying, ‘ I would rather settle for totalitarianism instead of democracy’.
Chapter ten 160(1) clearly puts it, “ In the exercise of judicial authority, the Judiciary, as constituted by Article 161, shall be subject only to this Constitution and the law and shall not be subject to the control or direction of any person or authority” (note beautifully, not subject to the control or direction of any person or authority). However, today we seem to be having individuals and authorities who seem to be treating the constitution and judicial rules as individual principles which one can breach at will and anytime by for example ignoring court interjections, trying to challenge supreme court ruling in some very unconstitutional manner- that can be succinctly compared to trying to control the judicial system, among other ferocious moves.


Does that raise any eyebrow?!.........

After the controversy that went viral on the aptness and credibility of the movie ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ I swiftly pulled the literal preview of the movie and read it word to word- thanks to Google. One of the reason for reading the material was to be at par with the debate and secondly to quench the usual curiosity and zeal that comes with every new and especially controversial stuff.  As my eye balls rolled through the whole properly articulated and comprehensive literature to the last full stop, I had garnered adequate persuasion to support the ban of the movie. On the question of if I watched it or not, I choose not to answer so us to remain relevant for the two diverse boards (those that watched and the have-nots’).
A month down the line I meet with these five barely ten years old kids and to remain relevant I choose to engage them on their usual delicacy- the movies. Few seconds into the chart am working it hard to deviate from the topic after three of the kids claim to have watched the same movie at least two times. While am busy trying to find a seemingly better thing to engage them and hoping against hopes they were referring to a different wolf other than the one I had read of, one kid was midway describing the main actor Jordan Belfort of Stratton Oakmont to the others and guess what?! The description matched the synopsis of the very controversial movie. “STOP!!!” Was the last thing I remember shouting to them like a maniac as I tactfully changed the topic of discussion.
I loved the kid’s naivety but was utterly worried about their level of exposure to morally and socially degrading materials, for once I cherished those days when there was neither the movies nor the support technology. Albeit, one question could not exit my mind, WHO WILL SAVE THESE KIDS FROM SUCH DISORIENTATION?!
I appreciate the fact that the government is pretty much trying to create a guardrail on what is disseminated to the public, but how many times do they follow up to ensure that their orders magnificently take effect, or are we still in the business of elevating the PR of our political camps with void words that never see the light of implementation? We may tagged our friend and good neighbor Museveni an extremist over the infamous pornography bill and the whole pricking issue of the miniskirts but, apart from his otherwise odd approach, he seems to have clearly visualized a problem which is still a mirage to most of us.  Imagine with the ever graduating technological prowess and steady assimilation of negative social vices like prostitution and jerky sexual orientation into the society, then think of the Wolf of wall street or any kind of wolf that is likely to emanate from one of these movie industries in the near future?! While, before such happens we need to be sufficiently armed with statutory provisions that will shield our next of kin from such moral degradation for every sunrise in technology is setting a new higher hurdle for such social issues.   
To the parents, guardians, and the potential parents   there is a need not to chicken out of our otherwise consciously and deliberately earned responsibility, be vigilant and hold the bull by its horns. They say, and am a staunch believer of the saying “a kid’s character is in most cases, is a carbon copy of their parent’s character”, yah they will always mimic the very person that is in their immediate exposition. John Ruskin is also still right to date in his saying, "To make your children capable of honesty is the beginning of education”. Then lets educate them, it’s may be the most aristocratic thing you will ever have done on them.